Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week 7 Workshop

English Language and Literacy

What are the four que systems?
Semantics, syntax/grammar, graphophonic, graphological, pictorial

What are the four roles of the reader?
§ Text Analysis - Critique, bias from point of view
§ Text User - Relate the text to their lives, function of the text, what do i do with the text, identify text types and use according or purpose
§ Code Breaker - Letters and sounds, structure, punctuation, phonics
§ Text Participant - Readers need to understand the text, know what the author is telling you

- All these are necessary but none are sufficient by themselves -

What are the teaching strategies for reading?
§ Shared
§ Guided
§ Independent

Three main focuses in an effective reading program (Winch, pg. 198)
§ Texts
§ Reading cues or sources of information
§ Reading practices or roles of the reader.

Guided Reading
§ A thinking, problem solving approach to reading
§ Talking, thinking and reading
§ Students learn how to become code breakers, text participants, text users and text analysts.
§ Use the question WHY? why did the author do this, why do the characters
§ Have a particular group of kids in mind when framing the question - match the learning needs to the particular group of kids.

Guided Reading Lesson - Mythical Creatures, written by Tracey Michele
The guided reading will be for a Year 4/5 with moderate reading ability. Read the whole book
What will these book be about? What is mythical?
Does anyone recognise the mythical creatures on the front cover?
Looking at the contents page, how many creatures are there and what are they?
Do you think the writer is being fair in telling us about this topic?
After reading about each creature - Where is the mythical creature located? What does located mean? What are some of the characteristics? What are characteristics


  1. Before enrolling in this English course I had never learnt about guided reading. The workshop on guided reading helped me immensely as the next week I had to take a guided reading group in a school. Without this workshop I would have been lost. The four roles of a reader helped with identifying which student had a stronger quality of each. By identifying which quality each child holds we can then work on the weaker qualities which helps improve the way a child reads and understand the book. This workshop helped me know to not only get each child to read each sections whilst guided reading but I now know to analyse the front page, pictures and identify problems students may have before even opening the book.

  2. Before this English tutorial I was unaware of what guided reading was and how it should be taught. From this weeks readings and the lesson it gave me a better understanding of how it should be done when looking at the four roles of a teacher. As Teigan has written above the workshop gave me a bigger insight into it's not only about reading the book, but we can initiate student thinking and learning through questioning the studnets from front page analysis and, looking at key words throughout the book.
