Title: Storm Boy
Author: Colin Thiele
Year: 1964
Genre: Children's Literature/ Drama
'Storm Boy' is a novel based upon a South Australian true story. It is written in third person, as Colin Thiele (the author) tells the story of a young boy (also known as Storm Boy) and his pelican. Storm Boy enjoys to walk along the deserted beach along the Coorong, where he finds three young pelicans in a nest that was destroyed by 'shooters'. He then nurses the three pelicans and is forced to release them by his father so he could focus more on school. One of the pelicans Mr Percival returns, and they share a special bond.
The story is based around the characters: Storm Boy, Fingerbone, Hide-Away and the pelicans. It is also written in third person, as the narrator is the author, telling the story of Storm Boy and the experiences he faced. Thiele also uses noun and verb groups to describe what is happening and the setting. This is backed up by detailed pictures (photographs), that enable the reader to visualise the storyline.
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